Business News in Pembrokeshire. Graphic Designers, Printing & Corporate Branding

A1 Lamination in Pembrokeshire Haverfordwest or Pembroke Dock

If you need A1 lamination in Pembrokeshire Haverfordwest or Pembroke Dock call 01646 682676 today. Alternatively, pop into our Pembroke Dock studio at the bottom of Meyrick St with the A1 prints that you want laminated.

Your plan or print will we laminated in thick, heavy duty plastic which will protect it in the toughest of environments. What’s more, it will have a sealed plastic lip going around the the outside your plan or print. This makes it completely waterproof. You could even dunk it in water with no harm coming to it!

You’re not just limited to A1 lamination at our Pembroke Dock studio Pembrokeshire. You can have any size laminated up to A1 (594mm x 841mm) such as –

A2 (420mm x 594mm).

A3 (297mm x 420mm).

A4 (210mm x 297mm).

… and smaller still. The choice is yours.

Complementing our Pembrokeshire laminating service is an A1 plan and poster printing service. Basically, you get a one stop shop where you can have your large poster or plans printed out and laminated at the same time. This makes life so much easier for you. You don’t have to use online firms or run between different businesses because we do it all in one place.

Please call today on 01646 682676 to learn more about A1 lamination in Pembrokeshire Havefordwest or Pembroke Dock. Alternatively,  pop into the studio with the print or plan that you want laminated and we will do it whilst you wait.

If you would like to send the studio a message please follow this link.


A1 lamination Pembrokeshire Haverfordwest Pembroke Dock

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