Pricing your tenders correctly (or not) directly affects two fundamentally important areas of your business, winning or losing the bid and whether you gain profit or suffer loss on the contract.
Business Wales would like to invite the individuals charged with bid writing at your organisation to attend the above workshop focused on the necessary considerations for getting your pricing correct. The workshop will focus on a number of topics and concepts, listed below, complimented with examples and real life case study examples of their relevance:
• Marginal costs
• Full absorption costing
• Break even costing
• Information systems to track individual contracts
• Overhead absorption rates
• Market rates
• Key differences between cash and profit
• Inflation
• Process checks and guidance on asking critical questions
National Botanic Garden, Llanarthne 1 July 2014 9.30am – 1pm
To book call - 03000 6 03000