Business Networking Opportunities in Pembrokeshire.

Using Software for Customer Relationship Management, Free Talk and networking Opportunity in Pembrokeshire

Event held on 11th September 2014

 A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application stores information about your interactions with customers and potential customers in a database and allows you to use that information in powerful ways. By storing information in one central place, you can understand the needs of your customers and target effort accordingly. This Workshop will discuss these and other benefits of using a CRM focussing on the Sugar web application, also known as SugarCRM, which is available in both free and commercial open-source applications. SugarCRM is one of the most popular CRM applications with around 1.5 million end users, many using the free Community Edition.

The Workshop will cover the terminology Sugar uses to describe the different types of customer or potential customer, the business processes that Sugar assumes, installing SugarCRM, importing data from an existing CRM or more basic storage application, creating users and roles, configuring and customising Sugar for your own business and for local settings and setting up a one-off or recurring email Campaign including target lists, email templates and tracker URLs.
11th September, 2014.
Call 01792 295881 to book.