Please call today on 01646 682676 to get your free, no commitment brand and logo consultation!
You will get a free session where you can talk to experienced marketing and design professionals who can help your business to grow. Moreover, professionals who can breathe new life into an existing brand or create a new identity for your business from scratch.
At your consultation we will go through your existing brand, print based marketing marketing and website / social media marketing with you . This will enable the team to build up a picture of your marketing and brand strengths and weaknesses. After that we will go on to discuss your future direction.
At this stage you will be taken through a in depth interview with the design and marketing team to find out what you are hoping to achieve and the best way to get there. The things covered will include –
- Your target audience
- Your business name and strap line (short description of what you do that accompanies you business name)
- Graphics and or photos you would like incorporated into the design
- Any awards, accreditation’s or social media marks you would like to include
- The colours you would like to use
- Type face preferences
- The general look and feel of the brand you would like.
….. and much more.
Your brand and logo are the most important marketing tools you can deploy when attracting new customers. In other words, the right look can give you a real boost in your sales. Please call today on 01646 682676 to arrange your free, no commitment brand and logo consultation and find out how we can help you transform your brand. Alternative visit corporate branding in Pembrokeshire to learn more.