Business News in Pembrokeshire. Graphic Designers, Printing & Corporate Branding

Free Starter Website for Businesses | Call 01646 682676

Modern Print & Design are giving away one page websites to businesses with no web presence. Please call 01646 682676 today to find out more!

Your free starter website will feature,  one website domain name, business colour scheme, your logo, enquiry form, a photo slideshow and a social media feed to the website. A social media feed allows whatever you post on your chosen social media platform to show up on your website.  For example, if you post a photo and description of one of you products on your FaceBook business page , it will automatically appear at the bottom of your website.

The reason for doing this is that websites that have regular changes made to them get better page rankings. Consequently, by making a social media post appear on your free starter website you are making a change.

Call Today on 01646 682676 to Get Your Free Starter Website.

Your new website will follow a set layout and even includes a professional business email address such as . What is more, your free starter website will also be easy to make changes to yourself. This is done though simple web editing tools. It is very similar to using MS Word and we’ll show you how to do it.

Most people picket it after less that half an hour!

Most importantly though, we will put it all together for you so that you don’t have to.

In fact the only thing that you need to do to get your free starter website is have your annual website hosting with us. This is to pay for the website to be stored in a place where it can be accessed by visitors who search for it on the internet. Every website has to be hosted by someone somewhere. If you didn’t you would not be able to find it on the internet.

Our standard website hosting service includes UK performance hosting, 1GB of storage space, domain name renewal, professional email address, security certificate and technical support.

So to get your free Starter Website or find out more call 01646 682676 today. Alternatively, follow this link to send us a message.

Free Starter Websites for Businesses
Free Starter Websites for Businesses
Free Starter Websites for Businesses

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