Business News in Pembrokeshire. Graphic Designers, Printing & Corporate Branding

New Logo Designed in Pembrokeshire for Modern Print & Design

Pembrokeshire logo designers Modern Print & Design have been working on their corporate branding.  This is because for some time now they have realised that the ampersand in there logo for the ‘& Design’ part of their business name was not strong enough. This had the effect of the logo often being read as Modern Print Design as apposed to the intended Modern Print & Design.

Over the last 12 months our graphic designers in Pembrokeshire have been experimenting with various ways of making the ‘&’ in our logo stand out more and last week they hit upon the solution. Rather than making it larger or changing its position in the logo they put it in a circle filled with a contrasting colour to make it more prominent.  You can see the result opposite – it really makes it stand out and without the need to enlarge it which would spoil the logo.

Over the next 12 months this new improved Pembrokeshire logo design will be rolled out across all of our printed and online marketing material to insure a consistent corporate brand.  The first thing that is being printed with it are a set of 3 roller banners for the Pembrokeshire supplier to buyer exhibition and networking event in Havefordwest of Monday 19th March 2018.  Lets hope that they go down well with potential buyers who will be attending.

If you have a logo that you feel needs refreshing is isn’t quite doing what you want it to do please get in touch. You can call our graphic designers on 01646 682676 or send us a message by following this link – contact us




Logo designers Pembrokeshire Tenby Narberth Haverfordwest

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