Business News in Pembrokeshire. Graphic Designers, Printing & Corporate Branding

Ridiculously Rich By Alana Have Used Modern Print & Deisgn

BBC The Apprentice winier Alana Spencer of the now famous ‘Ridiculously rich by Alana is a previous customer of Modern Print & Design.

Senior Graphic designer Leo said, "she was really nice person to work with on a design project and seemed like someone who was going to succeed."
Leo designed a pop up roller banner for Alana’s previous business, Narnas Chocolates, and Modern Print & Design then printed it.
Business owner Trevor Collins said, "we are all chuffed to bits that a business woman from West Wales has won such a prestigious business competition. Congratulations Alana, you deserve every success!"
Pictured above right is the banner that Leo designed for Alana with her earlier branding. When we called Alana after it was delivered she said she was very happy with it.

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