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Uncle Trevor Becomes A Godparent

It is a sure sign you are getting old when you are asked to become a Godparent and that is exactly what has just happened to Modern Print & Designs Trevor.

Trevor’s Niece, Ruby, had her Dedication service earlier this month at Westgate Chapel in Pembroke and Trevor was asked to be one of her Godparents.

A Dedication service is smiler a Christening with the exception that Ruby was not formally taken into the Christian faith. Rather that that we her Godparents, Mum and Dad pledge to raise her as a Christian. The reason for this is the belief that you have to make a conscious decision to enter a religion rather than being inducted to is when a baby. After all she may decide that she wants to belong to another faith when she gets older.

Pictured from left to right is – Ruby’s Mum holding the microphone, Rev Rob James and Ruby in his arms.

Posted by Trevor Collins

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