Register your business with Google+ today and you will, in effect, get a free website. It is a simple as that!
When you look for a product or service using a geographic area as part of the Google search engine term, Google reserves an area on the first page of results for local businesses. This means that setting up a Google+ page for your local business could help you get onto the first page of search engine results.
Registering your business is easy. Just set up a personal Google+ page and then just like Facebook, set up your business page linked to it. Indeed, your business may already be listed, in which case all you have to do is claim it and then start adding information and photos.
To see a good example of how it works type in "Graphic Designers In Pembrokeshire." into Google. Near the top of the first page you will see a section reserved for local Pembrokeshire businesses, with them labelled, A, B, C, etc.
For more information please call Trevor or Chris today on 01646 682676 or email them at