Business News in Pembrokeshire. Graphic Designers, Printing & Corporate Branding

£2290 Narberth Lotto Draw Win For Trevor!

Narberth Cricket Clubs Supper Lotto Draw had its biggest winner to date, when Modern Print & Designs Trevor Collins had his numbers drawn on 18th March.  Trevor’s £2290 win got the Spring off to a flying start and was the best possible Easter present he could have.
Trevor has been playing Narberth Cricket Clubs fortnightly lotto draw since it first started 2 years ago and was shocked when he was called to say how much he had won. He was introduced to the competition by the Modern Print & Design production manage, Richard Howell.
Pictured from the left is Mr Richard Howell, secretary of Narberth Cricket club congratulating Trevor Collins on his good fortune.

Posted by Trevor Collins 

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