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9 Common Search Engine Optimisation Mistakes For Pembrokeshire Websites To Avoid

Here are 9 Common SEO mistakes to avoid –

Keyword stuffing
This is when you put too meany keywords in the meta tags or content of the webpage to try and climb search engine rankings. However, many major search engines have implemented algorithms that recognise keyword stuffing and eliminate any unfair advantage it may have offered.
Broken links In Your Copy
It’s important to check that all your links are working, valid and directing to the correct content. Broken links will not only irritate your visitors but also effect your search engine rankings.
Forgetting to internally link
Internal links between the pages on your own website are great for your search engine ranking and user-experience. However, it is important that you only link to relevant content that will benefit the visitor.
Guest posting on disreputable sites
Guest posting on websites or industry blogs can be great for business. However, it’s vital that you research the reputation of the website you’re hoping to feature on to ensure the audience is appropriate, the content is high quality and they’re trusted online. If not, it’s better no to post on them. 
Creating poor, pointless content
If your blog is looking a bit short, don’t put up just anything for the sake of it. It will always be more beneficial to work on a quality piece of content that will drive real engagement and help to build your SEO properly.
Stolen copy
This will get you will be penalised by the search engines. It’s best to stick to creating the best copy you can within your own means.
Duplicating your own content
It’s a bad idea to duplicate your own content including duplicated Meta Tags. It will get you penalised by search engines.
Non-credible sites and sources
Scattering your website with unrecognised sources could damage your brand’s reputation and credibility, as well as your SEO. Stick to established reputable sites.
Not prioritisation your SEO activities
No SEO is just just as damaging and bad SEO.
Call today on 01646 682672 if you would like to learn more about SEO or to arrange a free, no commitment website review.

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