New Shop Front Goes in!

The new studio front has just gone into our Pembroke Dock building - and it looks really good.  All that remains now is for some carpentry work, damp proofing and decorating to be done and it will be...

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New Doors and Window Go Into Modern Print & Design

The 4 new sets of double doors and 13 windows have now been fitted in the studio and they look grate! Better still, the new shop front is going in on Tuesday. I hope it is...

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Tenby’s Rebleen Guest House Wowed By New Website!

Here is the email that was sent to the studio when our website designer gave the Rebleen guest house in Tenby their new website design - "Good Morning Chris, When I opened up the link I thought wow...

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The New Roof Is On Our Pembroke Dock Design Studio

 Our new roof is on so we are now officially rain and wind proof again! What is more, it looks really good close up because it in made of real state. This means you call see the...

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The Roof Has Been Replaced

 Our roof has been replaced in the fastest time imaginable. The old roof was striped in 1 and a half days, then the rafters and felt was put on in one day flat, followed by two days...

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Roof Comes Off Modern Print & Design

Today the old roof came off and the new trusses were put in and covered with felt. So as long as it dose not get too windy we will be dry in the event of rain! The...

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Ceilings Come Down At Modern Print & Design

The work on the studio continues with all the ceilings on the top floor being removed. The next thing to happen is that the walls will be built up and levelled before the old roof is...

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Building Work Starts At The Studio

 Well it has all started. The builders have begun tearing down the ceiling as a prelude to putting on a new roof. Let's hope it does not get windy or start to rain!Photo - the ceiling...

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Modern Print & Design Win Renovation Grant!

Modern Print & Design have won a substantial commercial property grant from Pembrokeshire County Council, to part fund the renovation of their building. One of the conditions of the grant was that the renovations must be done using traditional...

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Safer Social Care Delighted With New Corporate Branding Designed In Pembrokeshire!

Bumper Day For Website Orders!

Save Money With Email Christmas Card Designs

You can save real money by sending an email Christmas card this year!  Not only does it save you the cost of posting cards, you can use it as many times as you want without ever...

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Pembrokeshire Web Designers create New Site For Meadow Carpets

The boys at Haverfordwest Meadow Carpets were delighted with the new website designed for them in Pembrokeshire by Modern Print & Design. The site had many fetchers designed into it including the ability for visitors to search...

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Trevor Joins A Brilliant Cheese & Wine Night In Cardif

Last Friday I went to a brilliant cheese and wine night at one of Cardiff's top delicatessens - Madam Fromage. It was Excellent! We started of with champagne and wonderful canapés with were really yummy before moving into the shop...

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Christmas Cards & Calendar Brochures Now Available

Call today for your Christmas card & calendar brochure so you will have plenty of time to post them. The closer you get to Christmas the longer it takes to print and design them . Your cards...

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Free Pembrokeshire Website Review Service Is A Great Success

The free web review service launched in the summer by Modern Print & Design has proved really sucessfull. The reason for this is that businesses are under no obligation to have any of the recommended changes...

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Your Monthly Website Tip!

 Start collecting your customer’s business email addresses and then send them newsletters. The benefit of this are two fold - Firstly, it helps generate visitors to your website which in turn helps to boost your page ranking....

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Pembrokeshire’s Edu Pets Love Their New Corporate Branding