Supajump Trampoline Park
Brand & Website Design
Cardiff trampoline park SupaJump asked our Pembrokeshire website designers to brand their new business as well as building their website.
Being a business that disproportionately has a younger user profile it was decided to create bold, strong brand that exuded energy and activity to appeal to them. For this reason the web designers created the cartoon character you see opposite based on the iconic American food distributor ‘Uncle Sam’ Wilson. In order to inject more activity into the website the photos used on the main pages have been animated to give them a sense of movement and fun.
In addition to the website our designers also set up and branded SupaJump’s Facebook, Twitter, TripAdvisor, Instagram and Google My Business pages in addition to providing training on how to use them for marketing purposes.
Supajump’s website is actually two separate websites seamlessly welded together. The reason for this is that a trampoline park management bookings system which handled all bookings and the in-house till system was available from a 3rd party provider which saved the client money. Our branding was used by the trampoline park system to style all the booking pages, although we did not program them.
At the same time our Pembrokeshire graphic designers created folded leaflets, letterheads, business cards, waiver forms and all the other paperwork needed to market and run the trampoline park.
Park owner, Philip Booth, as so please he posted the following review on Google My Business –
“Using Modern Print for my Supatramp project. Very helpful, fabulous company. Great service, couldn’t ask for more!”
If you would like a free review by one of our website designers in Pembrokeshire just call Trevor today on 01646 682676.