Business News in Pembrokeshire. Graphic Designers, Printing & Corporate Branding

Free Branding and Marketing Material Health Check In Pembrokeshire.

You can now have a Branding and Marketing Health Check carried out on your business free of charge. This saves you money and helps boost your sales. Just call us today on 01646 682676 and Trevor will visit you to go through all your marketing material and branding. He will help you find what works and what needs improving in your business. You do not need to be a customer of Modern Print or even commit to becoming one in the future.

Trevor has over 17 years experience in the field of marketing and regularly attends courses to keep abreast of the latest marketing developments. His marketing of Modern Print has delivered solid results over the years which had enabled it to stay in the black throughout the current recession while other printing and corporate branding firms have fallen by the wayside.

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