Business News in Pembrokeshire. Graphic Designers, Printing & Corporate Branding

Free Web Marketing Tip – Write Relevant Articles That Are Likely To Be Shared

One of Google’s main priorities when determining your search engine ranking is the quality and relevance of the information on your website. Try to write engaging, quality content that has value to visitors of your website. Ask yourself "Would people want to share this content with friends or colleagues?"

Ask staff members within your business to help you by providing a basis for new content such as research, an opinion piece or a news article relating to your field. Often your staff that are more used to technical roles can provide content that is of most interest to your target audience. You can make your business’ website much more interesting by using case studies or success stories to personalise it.
The reason for all of this is that when people share your content, it increases the chance your website will get more visitors which will increase your search engine page ranking!

If you would like to learn more about how Modern Print and Design could help you and your online presence please call Trevor today on 01646 682676.  

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