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Google Penalise Websites That Are Not Mobile Friendly

Google have moved the goal posts when it comes to what it considers is a mobile friendly website. Sites that were considered mobile friendly before are no longer treated that way.  

The down side to this is that Google gives a boost to websites that it considers mobile friendly. So if yours is not whilst your commentators is, they will get a boost whilst your website will not. This gives that a advantage of you.
What complicates this, is that meany website that Google deemed not to to be mobile friendly still work perfectly well on mobile devices. So it is not always just a case of looking at your website on on a mobile to see if it works or not.
If you would like your website checked to see if it passes Googles latest mobile friendly compatibility test, call on 01646 682676 today. We will arrange for it to be professionally checked at no cost or commitment to you giving you peace of mind.
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