Business News in Pembrokeshire. Graphic Designers, Printing & Corporate Branding

London Fashion Week Use Modern Print And Design

The Welsh Designers show at the Prestigious London Fashion Week, have used Pembrokeshire Modern Print and Design to create the programme accompanying their fashion presentation. This was a multi page pocket sized booklet, digitally printed on card with a matt laminated cover. The whole thing was then wire bound to give it a fun, quirky feel.

So pleased was the organiser of the Welsh Designers show with the booklet that she sent Modern Print and Design the following note –

Dear Trevor,

It has been a pleasure working with you and your team, Leo and Matthew.  The project on the Look Books was exciting and at the same time completely trouble free.  Leo and Matthew were always accommodating to changes, etc, they were always professional yet always friendly and helpful – The bottom line is they were brilliant!  I would also like to thank you personally for sorting out the problem with the original delivery and the reprinting of the Look Books.
What shall I say about the posters, they certainly did the job, thank you again.
I would like to commend you on how you run your business because it is definitely handed down the line, everyone is professional, helpful and friendly always.  Well done Trevor and a huge thank you from the Welsh Designers for all the support you have given us.
Warm regards
Welsh Designers

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