Business News in Pembrokeshire. Graphic Designers, Printing & Corporate Branding

Pembrokeshire Web designer Doing Well After Chemotherapy

Pembrokeshire Web designer Chris Atkinson is doing well after finishing his course of chemotherapy for MS.

So far Chris has experienced no side effects from his 5 days of treatment in Swansea, which puts him firmly on the road to recovery. However, he has been experiencing extreme tiredness which is receding by the day. He may even be back in the studio sooner that expected.
In the meantime our other web designer, Roger, is holding the fort alongside senior Graphic designer, Leo.
Less that 300 MS sufferers in the UK have been given this new therapy and the results have been tremendous. In 70% of cases the patient gets no further attacks of MS.
Chris would like to thank all those who have sent him their best wishes or have called the studio to see how he is progressing.

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