When you need plan printers in Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire please call 01646 682676. You will get a fast, friendly local service without the hassle of having to deal with a firm from outside the county. What’s more, you will not have to worry about the post delivering your plans on time because you can collect yours!
Since buying our new plan printing machine we have seen a steady increase in the the number of people taking advantage of this service. Especially as you can also get your A1 plans laminated with us as well. This completely seals them in plastic making them it perfect to plans in wet or very dirty environments. What is more, you can still wright on the plastic by using a standard permanent marker pen. The ink from this can also be removed with a standard rubber as though it were pencil on paper.
Each plan is printed on good quality 90gsm paper that is easy to wright on in pencil and ink. You can have any size up to A1 (594mm 841mm) printed in Pembroke Dock whilst you wait. Larger sizes such as A0 take longer.
In addition to this you can have posters printed on the machine as well. These posters are so much cheaper that putting on the printing press. Indeed, we have only just done a run of 12 printed and laminated posters for a non profit making organisation in Carmarthenshire.
If you would like to speak to us about plan printing in Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire call 01646 682676 today. Alternatively, call into the studio to get yours printed today.
You can also send us a message or plan printing price request by following this link – plan printing in Pembroke Dock.